Andrej SteverAdvertisingWeb37 miles Creative Director 50829 Cologne (Germany) 05/29/2009 (updated 01/09/2012)
Oliver OakhillAdvertising42 miles Dipl.-Kommunikationsdesigner 50735 Cologne (Germany) 05/22/2009 (updated 05/04/2016)
pixelstaubEditorial39 miles Diplom-Designer Stephan Wissner 50823 Cologne (Germany) 05/13/2009 (updated 04/15/2019)
designhausenAdvertising46 miles kommunikationsdesign 40470 Düsseldorf (Germany) 04/22/2009 (updated 11/09/2009)
RedaktionEditorial44 miles Corporate Publishing, Online-Redaktion, Reden 40476 Düsseldorf (Germany) 04/17/2009 (updated 06/07/2022)
pixel.genauAdvertising42 miles Medienfachwirt / Grafik Design InDesignPhotoshopGrafik DesignPrintdesignAdobe IllustratorOfficeMac OSX 54578 Oberbettingen (Germany) 03/12/2009 (updated 04/26/2015)
Simon Heereman von ZuydtwyckAdvertising41 miles Kommunikation und Gestaltung 53347 Alfter (Germany) 02/10/2009 (updated 02/26/2010)
Christian FilliesWeb45 miles UX/UI/Web Designer, CSS/HTML5 Entwickler 53115 Bonn (Germany) 12/10/2008 (updated 10/25/2013)
Sabine BenzEditorial40 miles Infografik, Corporate Communication Wissenschaftliche IllustrationErklärende IllustrationArt DirectionTeamleadProjektmanagementCreative CloudInfografikMessestand DesignVerpackung 50676 Cologne (Germany) 11/21/2008 (updated 05/07/2019)
Walter HorcherEditorial0.8 miles Graphic_Design 52072 Aachen (Germany) 10/02/2008 (updated 04/09/2010)
Kathrin HerbstAdvertising44 miles Illustratorin, Grafikerin, Modedesignerin 40479 Düsseldorf (Germany) 03/29/2008 (updated 08/19/2011)
Simona HuberWeb35 miles Web designer with extensive experience in developing and managing of corporate Web sites for large, mid sized and small companies in the U.S.A. and Germany 50858 Cologne (Germany) 02/17/2008 (updated 04/20/2012)
René WernerWeb44 miles Grafik-Design, Illustration, Webdesign, Animation 40227 Düsseldorf (Germany) 01/21/2008 (updated 11/01/2008)