Design Jobs

dasauge Job market

Work in creation

Are you looking for a freelance job, a full-time position or an internship in the creative sector? Then you’ve come to the right place. As one of the most popular job markets in the communication sector, you will find thousands of creative industry jobs right here. Under profiles you also have the option of presenting your talents as an agency or freelancer with your own portfolio.

Alternatively, you can submit your own job search completely free of charge – without any ifs and buts in the small print.

Find creative people

Are you on the lookout for creative employees to fill a freelance job, full-time position or internship? Then you’ve come to the right place: We are one of the most popular job markets in the communication sector. You will also find thousands of agencies and freelancers with samples of their work in our profiles.

Alternatively, you are welcome to submit your own job offers: completely free of charge or as a highlighted premium entry

Job offers



Permanent positions in the creative industries.

Latest entries:

Job Company Job location Date
(Junior) Projektmanager (m/w/d) Damm & Bierbaum… Frankfurt (Germany)
Mediengestalter Digital & Web Development… XQUER Gruppe Bad Kreiuznach (Germany)
Grafikdesigner*in – Kreative*r Macher*in (M/W… msk:NEXT GmbH Cologne (Germany)
(Junior) Art Direktor:in dmkzwo GmbH & Co. KG Cologne (Germany)
Senior Projektmanager digital (alle Menschen) The Brettinghams GmbH Berlin (Germany)
Mediengestalterin / Grafikdesignerin (m/w/d) Edg- Eine der Guten… Cologne (Germany)
Ausbildungsplatz zum Mediengestalter(in) Bild… cream digital pictures… Düsseldorf (Germany)
Ausbildungsplatz zum Fotografen/in cream digital pictures… Düsseldorf (Germany)
Outsourcing Manager / Produktbildbearbeitung (m… Doopic GmbH Berlin (Germany)
3D Artist / Visualisation m/w/d Osa Ochs Schmidhuber… Munich (Germany)
3D-Arty* (M/W/D) Die Kavallerie GmbH Tübingen (Germany)
Grafikdesigner (m/w/d) in Teilzeit TRETTER-Schuhe Josef… Munich (Germany)


Project-based jobs for freelancers in the creative industries.

Latest entries:

Job Company Job location Date
Native German for Content Translation Kevin, Maikel Millrace Dr St Peters…
Visual Content Creator (remote) SIIX Studio Los Angeles
Free Funny Birthday ecards Lucas, Marie California city


Internships and trainee positions in the creative industries.

Latest entries:

Job Company Job location Date
Praktikant Content Creation (m/w/d) Damm & Bierbaum… Frankfurt (Germany)
Praktikum Kreation Art/Design (m/w/d) Vial Kreativagentur GmbH Düsseldorf (Germany)
Praktikum Design / Art Direktor Digital (m/w/d) Vial Kreativagentur GmbH Düsseldorf (Germany)
Werkstudent*in (Shk) Grafikdesign (m/w/d) Gesellschaft für… Berlin (Germany)
Praktikant Marketing Design (m/w/d) Dz Privatbank Strassen (Luxembourg)
Praktikant:in Corporate Responsibility Aevor… Fond Of GmbH Cologne (Germany)
Im Sommer ein Praktikum in Sachbuchredaktion… ff publishers GmbH Stuttgart (Germany)
Praktikum Design (m/w/d) Twentyone Brands GmbH Wiesbaden (Germany)
Pflichtpraktikum Produktion (m/w/x) Vollzeit GmbH Stuttgart (Germany)
Pflichtpraktikum: Innenarchitektur/3D Design (w… dreiform GmbH Hürth/Köln (Germany)
Praktikant:in für verantwortlichen Journalismus Berndt Media – Inhaber… Cologne (Germany)
Freie Autor:innen für verantwortlichen… Berndt Media – Inhaber… Ruhrgebiet (Germany)

Job seekers



Seeking permanent positions in the creative industries.

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Job Company Job location Date
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Buy, Verified Binance Accounts 100% KYC full… Niki D. Hill, Buy… New York


Freelancers seeking project-based jobs in the creative industries.

Latest entries:

Job Company Job location Date
Buy Verified PaPal Accounts PaPal Accounts at… Dubai
Secure Your Business with Verified PaPal… (personal &… Turkey
Buy Verified Binance Accounts 1234
Buy Verified PaPal Accounts Permanent use, Buy… London
Buy Old Gmail Accounts Buy Old Gmail Accounts New York
Translation(GER-FR and En-Fr) /SEO expert… Nz, Ida Atlanta


Seeking internships and trainee positions in the creative industries.

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Benefits Of Purchasing Verified Paxful Accounts London

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