Mary DelaneyAdvertising Motion Designer and Illustrator Adobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopAdobe AfterEffectsAdobe Premiere ProProcreateHand DrawingStoryboarding Roanoke VA 24018 12/05/2023 (updated 01/06/2024)
Brian SippleEditorial Grafiker, Fotograf, Illustrator Austin TX 78725 07/21/2011 (updated 10/30/2024)
Stubbs CreativeWebAdvertising Visual Communications Consultant PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorPremiere ProLightroomFacebook Ad Platform San Antonio TX 78205 07/15/2017
Viking KompassWeb A digital marketer and search engine optimization expert. PhotoshopPHPIllustratorSEO Street 405 AZ 85001 01/06/2022