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Dorothea Christiane CorneliusIllustrationScreen designTypo/layout Graphic Design & Artwork GrafikdesignWebdesignIcondesignLogodesignTextÜbersetzungWordPressCMSVektorillustrationBildbearbeitungVideobearbeitungAnimatrionPhotoshopIllustratorIndesignAfter Effects Cape Coral FL 33914 12/09/2004 (updated 09/13/2024)
Veronica MedinaAdvertisingIllustrationScreen designTypo/layoutPackagingCorporate design Editorial & Graphic Designer PhotoshopIllustratorInDesignAnimateFigmaPremiereQuarkXpressAcrobat ProBasic htmlEditorial DesignBrandingPackagingGrafik Designer Phoenix AZ 85024 07/20/2014 (updated 02/17/2019)
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Alex Kay Fine Art Photographer PhotoshopIllustratorAfter EffectsPremierePHPCSSHTMLJavaScriptjQueryWordpress Long Beach CA 90801 12/28/2019 (updated 11/12/2023)
Mariposa Detox Center Hollywood’s Premiere Location for Drug and Alcohol Detox and Residential Treatment Los Angeles CA 90029 03/27/2021
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Mary DelaneyAdvertisingIllustrationPackagingFilm/videoWebAdvertising Motion Designer and Illustrator Adobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopAdobe AfterEffectsAdobe Premiere ProProcreateHand DrawingStoryboarding Roanoke VA 24018 12/05/2023 (updated 01/06/2024)