What is Schema Markup

3 postings:



Schema markup (schema.org) is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines better understand the info on your website in order to serve rich results. These markups allow search engines to see the meaning and relationships behind entities mentioned on your site



Schema markup is an excellent approach to making your website stand out. Schema markup is a type of microdata found at Schema.org. Schema markup generates an enriched description (also known as a rich snippet) that displays in search results once it is added to a webpage.
Microdata does not appear to have a direct impact on organic search ranks. Rich snippets, on the other hand, make your web pages show more prominently in SERPs. Click-through rates have been demonstrated to increase due to the increased visibility.

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To add further, Ranking on a search engine results page is one thing; obtaining the top spot is quite another. Let’s face it: listings with images, ratings and detailed information are more likely to be clicked on by users than those with only blue links. By adding schema markup, you can outperform your rivals and obtain more prominent search results. It is a surprisingly underutilised technique that doesn’t call for complicated code and will deliver your searchers the key details they need about your business at the right time. I have seen many implementing schemas mark up to gain more traffic. When I implemented I for my website, it started to show results, especially the ai services page, thinkpalm.com/technologies/artificial-inteligence. Schema mark-up helped to drive more traffic, improved brand findability in search, and helped me to control how my brand appears in search results.

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