Xapsys—CRM & Workflow Management Solutions

  • Founded in 2015
  • Employees 5—9
  • Industry sectors

About Xapsys

Xapsys is a UK Based fast-growing CRM & Workflow software development company that brings to market plug-N play modules such as CRM Software, Workflow Management System, ERP Integrations, Custom CRM & Workflow System that improve the core functions of your ERP system, automate workflows and boost your growth. We also deliver customized business software solutions that meet industry-specific needs—such as CRM & Workflow for Charities, CRM & Workflow for Manufacturing & Distribution, CRM & Workflow for Service Providers and likewise.


Xapsys—CRM & Workflow Management Solutions
Address Xapsys

17 Boston Road, Leicester LE4 1AW – UK LE4 1AW
Great Britain
Contact person Phili Coxx
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Web xapsys.co.uk

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