WeFix Services
WeFIX has a highly experienced and diverse group of tradespeople to support all your service and maintenance needs including…

WeFix Services
  • Employees 50—99

About WeFix Services

WeFIX has a highly experienced and diverse group of tradespeople to support all your service and maintenance needs including Plumbing, Heating, Gas, Electrics, Roofing, Rising Damp, Building, and Groundworks. With years of industry experience, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality customer service with rapid response times.


WeFIX has a highly experienced and diverse group of tradespeople to support all your service and maintenance needs including Plumbing, Heating, Gas, Electrics, Roofing, Rising Damp, Building, and Groundworks.
Address WeFix Services

Teddington TW11 0JR
Great Britain
Contact person WeFix Services
Contact Contact form
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Web www.wefixonline.co.uk

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