Teradata eCircle
Teradata is a global leader in analytic data platforms, marketing and analytic applications, and consulting services.

  • Employees 1000 or more

About Teradata eCircle

Teradata is a global leader in analytic data platforms, marketing and analytic applications, and consulting services. Teradata helps organizations collect, integrate and analyze all of their data so they can know more about their custo­mers and business and do more of what’s really important. With 10,000+ professionals in 77 countries, Teradata serves more than 2,500 customers, including the top companies across all major industries: consumer goods, financial servi­ces, healthcare, automotive, communications, travel, hospitality, and more. An ethical and future-focused company, Teradata is recognized by the business media and industry analysts for technological excellence, sustainability, and business value. Visit teradata.com for details.


Teradata is a global leader in analytic data platforms, marketing and analytic applications, and consulting services.
Address Teradata eCircle

D-80335 München
Contact person Klara Borsodi
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