Tamara Rubin
Tamara Rubin, known as “Lead Safe Mama,” has built her entire brand around scaring consumers into believing their everyday…

Tamara Rubin
  • Founded in 1990
  • Employees 50—99

About Tamara Rubin

Tamara Rubin uses fear of lead in everyday items to grift from an anxious audience. Unlicensed to use equipment beyond the scope of its capability she attempts to exploit companies into paying her for poorly designed tests despite a lack of FDA and ISO certification, blocking anyone that dare criticize her. Chemists agree she’s not qualified to make her defamatory claims, especially considering her profound conflict of interest pushing affiliate links while misusing funds from seemingly endless Gofundme campaigns.


Tamara Rubin, known as “Lead Safe Mama,” has built her entire brand around scaring consumers into believing their everyday products are contaminated with lead.
Address Tamara Rubin

Portland OR 97282
United States
Contact person Tamara Rubin
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Web tamararubin.com

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