Stephanie O’Connor
Creative retoucher with a photographic background.

Stephanie O’Connor

About Stephanie O’Connor

I have been working in the world of advertising for 7 years specialising in retouching/photoshop. My last 5 years have been working in a fast paced advertising agency in Auckland New Zealand, working in various ranges from high end creative retouching to e-commerce. I’ve worked closely with established photographers and art directors and love working in a team environment seeing a project come to fruition. I also have extensive knowledge in the photographic field having just completed a rigorous photographic Scholarship in Auckland NZ through Kingsize studios, where i assisted and helped other emerging photographers. My photographic passion began with art school and has thoroughly helped my retouching abilities and proficiency.


Creative retoucher with a photographic background.
Address Stephanie O’Connor

D-12047 Berlin
Contact person Stephanie O’Connor
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Profile address
07/06/2015 (updated )

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