Robert Schmidt
Printproduktion Bildbearbeitung Reproduktion Mediendatenbank Administration


About Robert Schmidt

Image reproduction; Image reconstruction of historical documents; Lithography; Image retouching, composing; Print productions of all printing processes; art reproductions; PrePress Services; Layout, finesse, final artwork; Multilingual sales documents; Real estate marketing with floor plans; Packaging artwork; PrePress reorganization; Workflow optimization; PDF workflow; Administration of editorial systems; Administration of media databases; Photography; High-end scan; Print PDFs according to the PSO standard; Print data for editors and publishers; Services for publishers, agencies, publishers, Colormanagement


Printproduktion Bildbearbeitung Reproduktion Mediendatenbank Administration
Address Robert Schmidt

D-12524 Berlin
Contact person Robert Schmidt
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Profile address
08/23/2024 (updated )

Robert Schmidt’s job entries

Photoshop Bildbearbeitung im cmyk-Modus Job offers: Permanent Baruth/Mark

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