Orwell McGubbins
Brand designer & Art Director

Orwell McGubbins

About Orwell McGubbins

I am an experienced branding designer working with start-ups and established brands across all industries that are willing to take their brand to the next level.

I create strategies and designs that suit your business and connect with your audience.

And I make sure everything we create, from your marketing headlines to the photos we shoot, are on brand, because that’s how we build trust with the people in your community.

I enjoy life, so I only choose projects I believe in with people I like. So if we’re working together, I actually do care about you succeeding. That’s pretty handy when you’re trying to hit big goals.

Want to create a brand or designs that get results for your business? Get in touch.


Brand designer & Art Director
Address Orwell McGubbins
D-10247 Berlin
Contact person Orwell McGubbins
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Web orwellmcg.com/folio

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