Most Recent Projects
burgerme GmbH

  • I4U Consulting
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Project List

2018 Jan-
SEO Consulting for Navispace AG. Held in-house SEO seminar for the marketing department, introduction of a new cost-effective content creation process, technical SEO optimization of all web properties (Wordpress), development of link building strategies and other activities to increase traffic.

2017 Jan – Nov
Product Strategy, concept, specifications and development lead for smartwatch app and Bluetooth beacons based work safety solution.

2016 Oct – Nov
Performance Marketing strategy and implementation for

2015 Jun – Oct
Content Marketing strategy development and implementation for WT.

2015 Jan – Jun
Online Monetization Strategy Development for WT.

2004 –
Online Strategy, content management, monetization, SEO, SMO for I4U News.

I4U Consulting

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