Ludovik Studio
Entwicklung von Kunst Installationen die mit verschiedene Kunst Medien experimentieren

Ludovik Studio

About Ludovik Studio

Art for Art: The Neo-Gesamtkunstwerk

Ludovik Studio, which stands for a figure of creative strength, is a young company with the aim of stimulating art in a unique way. Through the design and development of art installations, Ludovik combines different media and art forms depending on each project, including: Photography, Painting, Audiovisual elements, Sculpture, Dance, Theater, Fashion, and Gastronomy.

Ludovik was born because the thought of choosing that ONE thing that defined us for the rest of our lives seemed horrifying. Then we realized that instead of choosing one path we could merge everything into a harmonized experience and experiment with different art forms.

Aside from our own artistic work, we have always been interested in supporting other artists. Through collaborations with different talents the objective is to create unique exhibitions that promote the arts in an innovative way.

Who are you when no one is watching? That side of human nature -the one that one does not always stop to think about because the answer might be frightening, or painful, or far from what one think is “right”- is the side that Ludovik tries to pull out of their audiences through art installations that transport them to different worlds and take them out of their comfort zone. In the end, we try to elevate the art experience beyond hanging art on the wall.


Entwicklung von Kunst Installationen die mit verschiedene Kunst Medien experimentieren
Address Ludovik Studio

CH-8008 Zurich
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