Copywriting/Writing Assignments
Kenneth Shinabery

  • 2 page interview in Photoshop Creative Magazine (Imagine Publishing)
  • 5 page interview + 2 pages of News for this issue of Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing
  • 5 page interview—Advanced Photoshop Magazine Imagine Publishing
  • Created 17 pages of content for this issue of Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing
  • 5 page interview featuring Ben Voldman for Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
  • 5 page interview with artist Chris Labrooy for Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
  • 5 page interview on Natalie Shau for Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
  • Wacom Article featuring illustrator Steve Simpson. (Appears on the Wacom InfoChannel)
  • Wacom article featuring Peter Jaworowski from Ars Thanea. (Appears on the Wacom InfoChannel)
  • Wacom article featuring illustrator Kerem Beyit.  (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
  • Wacom Article featuring illustrator Alexis Marcou. (Appears on the Wacom InfoChannel)
  • Wacom article featuring graffiti artist Diego Della Posta aka Mr. THOMS.  (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
  • Wacom article featuring illustrator Caroline Vos.  (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
  • Wacom article featuring special fx art director Luis Guggenberger.  (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
  • Guest blogging assignment for WYCC PBS Chicago., covering US Presidential Debate.
  • Lürzer Archive article
last next

Over the years I have been tasked to write articles and copy for numerous clients.

In this gallery I will provide some links to these projects. However, please note that not all of my copywriting and writing assignments can be featured due to nondisclosure agreements. I will due my best to share the ones I can in this gallery.

For more information on my work please go to …

2 page interview in Photoshop Creative Magazine (Imagine Publishing)
5 page interview + 2 pages of News for this issue of Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing
5 page interview—Advanced Photoshop Magazine Imagine Publishing
Created 17 pages of content for this issue of Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing
5 page interview featuring Ben Voldman for Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
5 page interview with artist Chris Labrooy for Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
5 page interview on Natalie Shau for Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
Advanced Photoshop Magazine / Imagine Publishing.
Wacom Article featuring illustrator Steve Simpson. (Appears on the Wacom InfoChannel)
Wacom article featuring Peter Jaworowski from Ars Thanea. (Appears on the Wacom InfoChannel)
Wacom article featuring illustrator Kerem Beyit. (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
Wacom Article featuring illustrator Alexis Marcou. (Appears on the Wacom InfoChannel)
Wacom article featuring graffiti artist Diego Della Posta aka Mr. THOMS. (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
Wacom article featuring illustrator Caroline Vos. (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
Wacom article featuring special fx art director Luis Guggenberger. (This appears on the Wacom InfoChannel).
Guest blogging assignment for WYCC PBS Chicago., covering US Presidential Debate.
WYCC PBS Chicago
Lürzer Archive article
Lürzer Archive

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