Kathrin Roelfs
Freelance AD / Packaging Design / Branding / Corporate Design


About Kathrin Roelfs

I am a Freelance Graphic Designer based in Zurich, Switzerland. I graduated with a Master of Applied Communications, specializing in Corporate and Packaging
Design in Germany and Spain. Over the past 8+ years, I’ve used my experience in design to help clients bring their brand and ideas to life. I am specialising in
Branding and Packaging Design and working across a wide range of disciplines. I design logos, brochures, POS material, give-aways, websites, packaging,
advertising, illustration, photo briefing, book cover and everything in between. I speak fluently German (native language), English, Spanish and some French.


Freelance AD / Packaging Design / Branding / Corporate Design
Address Kathrin Roelfs

CH-8706 Meilen
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