Indo U.S. Organization for rare diseases (IndoUSrare) is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the lives of individuals affected by rare and underserved medical conditions of Indian origin in the USA, India, & globally.
By encouraging collaborations among researchers, healthcare providers, and patient communities, We aim to provide comprehensive support to the USA, & the Indian subcontinent through research & development of diagnostics & therapies through education, advocacy, research, & grants.
At IndoUSrare, our mission is to take a proactive role in establishing and sustaining patient-centric education, awareness, training, research, and engagement programs aligned with the FDA’s patient-focused drug development (PFDD) paradigm in the following ways:
1.Diversity Patients Alliance Program
2.Tech-enabled Patients Concierge
3.Corporate Diversity Advisory Council (CDAC)
4.Research Programs
5.National and international conferences