At Home Portraiture
Elly Clarke Photography

  • Scotland, 2005
  • Olivia, London 2007
  • Oxfordshire, 2006
  • Felix, London, 2004
  • Alice and Luis, Guadalajara, 2006
  • Leo, Montreal, Canada, 2007
  • Ruth, Mike and Rosie, London, England, 2008
last next

This is where I spend a few hours with you and your family, at your home or at a location of your choice, taking photographs throughout the day. During this time I get to know you a little, and you get to know me. Which makes it easier to take more intimate and personal portraits of you.

Packages for this include prints and I use on the whole a Leica M6 analogue camera. I can shoot in colour and/or black and white.

I spend either 2 hours or 4 (the latter with a break in the middle) with your family. Please contact me for more information!

Scotland, 2005
Olivia, London 2007
Oxfordshire, 2006
Felix, London, 2004
Alice and Luis, Guadalajara, 2006
Leo, Montreal, Canada, 2007
Ruth, Mike and Rosie, London, England, 2008

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