David Lüpschen
Motion Design & Art Direction

David Lüpschen
  • Degree Diplom
  • Operative since 2009

About David Lüpschen

Hello, my name is David. I am a director, animator & designer specialised in motion design and art direction based in Berlin.

For the past 10 years, I have been working on a wide range of projects including
TV commercials, social media campaigns and branding projects in collaboration with agencies like Pentagram, Wolff Olins & Hornet Inc.


Motion Design & Art Direction
Address David Lüpschen

D-10405 Berlin
Contact person David Lüpschen
Contact Contact form
Profile address
Web edgar.studio

David Lüpschen’s network

Janina Sitzmann Janina Sitzmann
Dipl. Kommunikationsdesignerin
Berlin (Germany) 09/08/2019

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