Studio Beuh_lah
Art director, designer & illustrator

Studio Beuh_lah


About Studio Beuh_lah

studio beuh_lah is an atypical creative studio with a focus on illustration, visual design and art direction.

studio beuh_lah aims to create unique experience that fit the brand instead of just copying what is the newest trend of yesterday from dribbble.

The strong importance they give to current design emphasizes their interest for alternative media-spaces and new technologies giving them the ability to work on projects from a combination of unique and unseen perspectives, including publishing, visual-identity, events, web. These views enrich their creative processes through which they can work on projects of varying sizes and infusing their work with new ideas.

Also fascinated by the human body, face, and the natural world, studio beuh_lah seeks to illuminate those fears, impulses and aspirations that are intrinsically human by warping the perspective on innately familiar symbols and themes. They aim to create emotive responses by utilizing ambiguity to juxtapose the physical world with ethereal concepts.


Art director, designer & illustrator
Address Studio Beuh_lah

D-10435 Berlin
Contact person Studio Beuh_lah
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Profile address
04/27/2014 (updated )

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