Annual Report
Bogdan Moga

  • cover and content simulation
  • contents page
  • the people
  • the editorial
  • anniversary infographic / spread
  • article spread
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 19
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 35
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 32
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 31
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 30
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 24
  • raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 20
  • chapter spread – results
  • financial data infographic
  • FCB raport 2021  03
  • FCB raport 2021  02
  • cover simulation
  • Simulation of reports as they came out over the years
last next

The Foundation’s report for 2021 is a special edition, since Bucharest Community Foundation celebrates ten years of activity. We aimed at showcasing the remarkable effort, ingenuity and results that took FCB from humble beginnings to one of the most important pillars of civic society in Bucharest.
This is one of a series of reports we did over the years. When I started working on this project I had this idea of building trust trough a cohesive series of reports. A decade later, the reports are a nice looking collection of stories and facts about the foundation. It is an important tool for them to show dedication, build trust and raise funds.

cover and content simulation
contents page
the people
the editorial
anniversary infographic / spread
article spread
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 19
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 35
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 32
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 31
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 30
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 24
raport FCB 2021 final WEB Page 20
chapter spread – results
financial data infographic
FCB raport 2021 03
FCB raport 2021 02
cover simulation
Simulation of reports as they came out over the years

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