B-Alive GmbH
Entertainment Software Development

B-Alive GmbH

About B-Alive GmbH

The b-alive gmbh was founded in 2003 with focus on development of sophisticated life simulations and tycoons.

B-Alive meanwhile has developed over 20 renowned international titles such as “Herrscher der Meere/Sovereign of the Seas”, (1999/atari), „Wildlife Park 1“ (2003), the international topseller “Wildlife Park 2” (2006/Deep Silver) with extensions, „Wildlife Park 3“, „Airline Tycoon 2“ with DLC’2 and „Adventure Park“.

In 2014 b-alive starts worldwide ESD-publishing of their IP’s, with great success on STEAM. This diversification will be massively continued in 2016, when „Wildlife Park Mobile“ and further titles will hit iOS- and android-stores.


Entertainment Software Development
Address B-Alive GmbH

D-88444 Ummendorf
Contact person Arndt Schlichtig
Contact Contact form
Profile address
Web www.b-alive.de
09/24/2004 (updated )

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