Grafikdesign und Illustration Annique Schumacher
I am Annique, a freelance Graphic Designer from Munich, focussing on Illustration, but striving for a great variety in my work. So I also do
- Info Graphics,
- Wordpress
- Composings /(PS and Affinity Photo)
- Layout for Print and Web
- CI
- Texting
Charakterstudie für Kinderbuch – Lucy und Sofie
Watching others being in Love
waiting for him to call
Funny Ballerina
Toxic relationship
Morning Blues with cerial
Portraitzeichung – Bleistift
Charakterstudie für Kinderbuch – Lucy der Engel
Charakterstudie für Kinderbuch – Sofie der Engel
Die alte Frau und der Tiger (Persiches Märchen)